Graphical Software for FIBS

Check out links at - follow the links to Connecting to FIBS

JavaFIBS2001 (snowflake rating *****)

JavaFIBS is a graphical interface to play on FIBS (First Internet Backgammon Server) from a multitude of different platforms such as Windows, MacOS, Linux, Solaris, AIX, and OS/2. JavaFIBS comes in a few different flavours; from a simple applet which you can use directly from your web browser to an advanced version which you have to install on your computer.

FIBS/w Click on link to download zipped archive (snowflake rating ***)

This is an archive of the original Windows client for FIBS - copy the file to the directory you want to use and extract using Winzip or pkunzip - the FIBSw.ini file needs to be copied to your Windows directory (usually c:\windows) - the publicly notified password to this software is licensee=gamesgrid and passcode=24785 - enter these by pressing Control, Alt, Shift and 'R' keys simultaneously (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+'R') and entering the value at the appropriate place in the resulting dialog box (these have been notified by the author who has released to the public domain...) From there click on the FIBSW.exe file to start - you can add your login and password at the appropriate place in the Options/Connect Script Settings menu

[Download BBGT] (snowflake rating **)

This is a useful alternative to FIBS/w - now up to Version 4

[WinFIBS] (snowflake rating ***)

After many years this is still in beta testing but still worth a look. Based on MacFIBS, WinFIBS features multiple windows for play, terminal, kibitzing, chatting etc. Download by clicking on the link above.

good luck and enjoy - snowflake