Eucalyptus macrorhyncha
Eucalyptus mannifera
Eucalyptus rossi


E. mannifera
E. rossi
Eucalyptus dives
Eucalyptus bridgesian

E dives
E bridgesiana
Eucalyptus blakelyi
Eucalyptus mellidora
Eucalyptus rubida

E. blakelyi
E. mellidora
E. rubida
Snow gums germinate
and survive naturally
Eucalyptus pauciflora
Edge of Frost Hollow
E. pauciflora
few trees germinate.
Frost Hollow
Dry Sclerophyll Forest found at the top of the site

Junction between Grassy woodland and forest

Each of the bark pictures will act as a link to details of the species.
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How vegetation changes with height above the Frost Hollow














Grassy woodland